There’s the parade of international celebrities that come to town to promote their new tequila brands, and then there’s the under-the-radar local guys who quietly got their tequila into the hands of “mom and pop” package stores, top area restaurants and bars where consumers started to take notice before starting their media tour. Meet Josh...Read More
I don’t each much peanut butter. Until recently, I would only use the cheap stuff to fill my pups’ Kongs but otherwise didn’t buy it. That was until I heard about Fix & Fogg Peanut Butter from New Zealand and picked up a few jars at Central Market. Peanut Butter from New Zealand. Why? Well,...Read More
With Dry January about to come to a close, National Croissant Day’s arrival on January 30 gives us yet another reason to celebrate. Though the croissant is the official pastry of France, its origins are in Vienna, Austria, where in 1683 soon after the Hapsburg victory over the Ottoman Empire, Viennese bakers reshaped their traditional...Read More
“Want to see my diamonds?” he asked, catching me off guard as I was trying to name the Led Zepplin song playing in the background. Lee Fuqua knows how to get a girl’s attention, and I followed him past a giant worktable and brown boxes stacked Nowitzki high. There they were on the floor, hundreds...Read More
Blush, summer water, pink wine. It can be syrupy sweet, acidic and bright, fruity and vaguely effervescent, and bold but thin. It has become the omnipresent social accessory of summer for its refreshingly crisp taste that literally makes your mouth water and its ability to match summer outfits perfectly. Though often regarded as a “chick...Read More